Friday, 28 February 2014

Get That Perfect Smile

I have a confession to make. For those who know me, they know I used to smile really awkwardly. But because I was interested in making small shifts in my interactions to create a larger positive change, I discovered a neat little trick.

For the longest time, I have come across literature and coaches who suggest the ‘perfect’ or ‘right’ way to contort your face into a smile, and I must admit that the outcome is a pleasant looking smile. But when I did what they told me to something felt off, even when I used it in social situations, I didn’t experience that spontaneous sense of connection one feels with the other when we smile together. In my opinion, that’s the most important outcome of learning non-verbal communication- to help create a sound and enriching social existence.

So on a trip to Bangalore for a seminar, I found myself with free time between work and decided to try a little social experiment. I decided that because there were so many roaming eyes in public places here, that I would take advantage of them. I decided to try to smile at everyone I made eye contact with, but with a twist.

Here’s what I did, and it worked wonders for me. As soon as I made I contact with someone, I smiled at them whilst in my head welcoming them. The key is not to say “Welcome” out loud, but to think it and really feel as if you are welcoming the other person into your consciousness. That’s it, as simple as that.

I could go on and on about what the most aesthetically pleasing and proper smile looks like and how to do it, but it won’t serve your purpose which I assume is to increase your social IQ. Instead, you can feel collaborative, and smiling, since it is a communion based act, will come as an extension of your inner state. Trust me on this one, and try it out!

Picture Courtesy:

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